We’re going to change things up a bit this week.

We received an email from someone who was curious as to the general makeup of our readers…Age, how long married, reason for affair, etc.  and we thought it was a good idea.

So please complete the brief survey below, and then in a future post I will report back to you the results and any interesting findings. 

There are 12 questions, so be sure to use the slider bar on the right side of the survey box to scroll down to answer all the questions. Thanks!

Linda & Doug


Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading questionnaire tool.

See also  Rebuilding Trust After an Affair is Not a Quick Process

    6 replies to "Discussion: Please Take Our Survey!"

    • InTrouble

      When I went to the survey I noticed the Facebook link under it. People should know that Facebook is able to collect data off that site even if you do not click on that link.

      • Doug

        Interesting. I’m not so sure they can do that unless you click to share it to Facebook. The link is under every post on this site and is not specific to this survey. If you clicked it, you would be sharing the post itself. Even so, (and I’m no Facebook/computer expert by any means) I’m guessing the only data they could collect would be an IP address.

    • InTrouble

      Yes, they can (and do) collect data on all their pages that show that FB link, even if you don’t click on it. “Only an IP address” is what ties all that data to individuals. I’m not FB phobic (by any means), but I think people just need to be aware.

      Here’s an interesting link for anyone who might be concerned…


      • Doug

        Pretty crazy stuff. Not sure why they need to keep all that information other than to analyze their user’s habits and such. Thanks for sharing this.

    • InTrouble

      Not to belabor the point, but here is the pertinent complaint. It was filed in Ireland not because FB functions differently there, but because they have privacy laws.



    • SamIam

      Yes~ it is very disconcerting to go to facebook and have them advertise “how to survive infidelity” in my sidebar! They track everything ~ and I need them to remind me (said sarcastically)

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