0Comments2025 Resolutions for the Unfaithful Partner in Affair RecoveryHere are 14 resolutions for the unfaithful partner in affair recovery for 2025 and beyond. by Doug
1CommentsHow to Take Responsibility After an Affair and Rebuild TrustLearning how to take responsibility after an affair is a crucial first step in rebuilding trust and healing both yourself and your relationship. by Doug
0CommentsEmbrace the Suck: Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone in Affair RecoveryAffair recovery requires you to "embrace the suck!" by Doug
44CommentsWill I (Or My Spouse) Have An “Affair Relapse?” Affair relapse is a common thing, but it doesn't have to be inevitable. By Doug I’ve never really kept track of the numbers, but I’m guessing that well over 50% of the by Doug
8CommentsSeveral Resources for the Unfaithful PersonHere are several resources for the unfaithful person aimed to help them with their recovery efforts. by Doug
7CommentsStraight from the Horse’s Mouth: Why Some People Have AffairsThere is no shortage of excuses as to why some people have affairs. by Sarah P.
51CommentsWhy I Cheat On My Wife – A Peak Into the Mind of a Serial CheaterA serial cheater answers the question: "Why I cheat on my wife" by GuestPoster
3CommentsStop the Lies – A Personal Accountability LogLying is inherent when there is an affair. A reader shares an accountability log/journal meant to help stop the lies. by Doug
21CommentsNo Such Thing As TMI – The Importance of Full Disclosure After You Have Had an AffairWhen there is infidelity in a marriage, there is no such thing as too much information. Full disclosure after an affair is a must. by Sarah P.
25CommentsCheating Spouses: How to Become Trustworthy After the AffairAs the unfaithful spouse, if you want to repair the foundation of your marriage, you have to know how to become trustworthy after the affair. by Sarah P.