We haven’t posted a video in quite a while but the other day while I was Googling for something totally unrelated to this site, I came across the video below and felt that many of you could benefit from it.

The video is a brief (just over 8 minutes) talk by Neale Donald Walsch, speaker, spiritual seeker, and bestselling author of the “Conversations With God” series.  In the video Walsch says “The biggest problem on the planet is fear.” He says this is so because it effects everything we experience.

Walsch suggests that everything humans experience comes from either a place of love or a place of fear. Most people come from a place of fear until they are able to examine what it is we’re fearful about. He says that transforming your fear will enable you to transform the world.

Walsch explores other manifestations of fear in the video including fear in relationships. So check it out.

Conversations With God – Fear is Our Biggest Problem


In “Conversations With God,” Walsch says that when we find ourselves looking for serenity, peace, joy, and happiness outside of ourselves, we experience fear. Learning that the source of our joy resides within us, the fear disappears.

How does fear affect your life and what ways do you use to work through and recognize the fears?

Please feel free to share this video by clicking one of the share buttons below.

Walsch has his own site, which you can visit by clicking here.

See also  Should You Seek Professional Help Just for You?

    19 replies to "Conversations With God – Fear is Our Biggest Problem"

    • roller coaster rider

      I haven’t yet watched the video but I know for sure that fear has been such a defining force in my life, leading to much of the disfunction in my first marriage. I am so hopeful now, though, because having gone through the worst and coming out the other side, I am no longer making decisions that are fear-based. My ex now has the opportunity to really demonstrate the love that was always there for me, just buried under years of denial, self-medication and low self-esteem. We really may get the relationship we’ve always wanted, but even better, we can show others that there is healing and help available, and that nothing is too hard for God to do in anyone’s life. Together or not, we are better for having gone through this.

      • Doug

        RCR, I’m so happy that your relationship is finally heading in the right direction and that you’re having success with your healing process. You deserve it!

    • Sam

      Hm. My husband has read books by this author. We watched the movie together. (As I’ve mentioned before, he’s really into “spirituality” and this is how his friendship with OW began.)

      I get it. I really do. (The video, I mean.) What I don’t get is how two people who are supposedly spiritual seekers and have been studying all these concepts and principles for years can act so irresponsibly and cause so much damage.

      • Doug

        Sam, Your question is a difficult one as it seems so hypocritical for people who profess to be religious or spiritual yet still manage to have affairs. I think I read somewhere once that ministers have a fairly high instance of extramarital affairs. Go figure.

        • Sam

          Yup. It’s like all these ministers having affairs, and priests molesting little boys, etc.

          How is this possible??! It’s so difficult to understand.

          I know it’s not my job to judge; it’s my job to forgive. But I’m having such a terrible time. (Even though my H is really trying his best…)

    • resolute

      Doug, I’m new here and I found this video to be very helpful. It’s actually good common sense. My H had an emotional affair and then a few years later, I did the same. It wasn’t for vengence, I think I was mishandling an emotional crisis in our home. He was drinking excessively and was sometimes mentally abusive and I turned to someone else for emotional support rather than face down the fears I was having about our marriage. The affair has been over for nearly 3 years and my H still cannot forgive me. (I’ve told him everything, btw.) I’m reading self-improvement books, I’m in prayer and reading my Bible–basically working on improving myself. He will not stop bringing up my past ills despite the fact I stay silent about his. Trying to be patient and humble, but I never know what I’ll have to take from him from day to day. Trying to figure out how to continue to grow, win him back and maintain a healthy state of mind despite his out-of-the-blue interrogations and emotional attacks. Kinda lost today.

      • Doug

        resolute, Thanks for stopping by and sharing. Sorry to hear of your situation. I think you seem like a very strong woman to be able to take his “interrogations” without doing the same to him in light of his past. Keep reading the blog and making comments (we have a wonderfully supportive community) and working on yourself. Best wishes.

    • Paula

      Sam, I believe that many of these people are “clinging” onto the high moral ground of being seen to be “spiritual” (or religious,or Godly, etc) as they are fearful of their own out of control desires and find the church (of their choice) is what they are trying to use to feel better about themselves, or either “cure” them, or “provide cover” for them.

      Of course, don’t get me started on the priests! Of course, especially in the past, this was the clever option for paedophiles to hide their offending, or – completely different, as I certainly DO NOT IN ANY WAY group them together – homosexuals, who didn’t have a safe environment in their families and communities to come out. A lot of this happened (or happens) IMO because we are sexual animals, and asking someone to supress their natural desires in such an unnatural way is asking for trouble! Of course, we all have to control some urges, in order to function as a society, but to ask a grown man (or woman) to withhold pleasure indefinitely, without proper guidance or support, is holding the grenade with the pin out. Of course, many here will disagree, and no doubt I’ve stirred up a hornet’s nest! But, as Doug says, it is rife within church communities, as some of these people (often leaders) hold themselves above many of their “peers” and honestly believe they are above detection, or in some cases , above temptation. It is very sad.

    • chiffchaff

      Fear does have a very destructive force on relationships and people’s lives.
      As a result of the aftermath of my H’s PA my sister has opened up to me about generally being frightened of most things in life, making decisions, meeting new people, even the fear of being uncertain. She has told me that she couldn’t do what I do (staying with my CS) simply because she couldn’t cope with the fear of him doing it again. Just the fear. I think I had that for a while but in my life I have always taken on challenges and tried to see opportunities in everything, no matter how painful they can be at times. I think it’s because when fear overwhelms your life all the enjoyment goes as fear arrives. I read somewhere recently that in order to experience the highs of the pleasures of life (I’m not meaning here the selfish pleasures enjoyed by my CS or CS’s generally) you have to accept the counterbalance of the lows.
      In the run up to my H’s PA I had become fearful of change for the first time in my life and was starting to look inwards far too much. Discovering the life altering PA and the shock and introspection made me realise that I was sheltering under the umbrella of fear which, although it shields you from rain also stops the sun getting through. I’m not spiritual either, or a christian, but it doesn’t mean I can’t think deeply about life and its meanings when I need to.
      In terms of my sister, I’m trying to encourage her to face her fears and think about accepting what’s the worst that could happen anyway and then asking yourself how you feel about that, and, what next after the fear is realised? Sometimes it just needs a stark look in the face of fear to accept it and move on. I’m probably gibbering now…
      great blog. thanks.

    • Anita

      I can only speak for myself as a Christian.
      Being a Christian is my life, I choose to Love and follow
      God’s word. I want the promises of God, and his rewards,
      most of all eternal life.
      John 3 verse 16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him
      should not perish, but have eternal life.

      I wouldn’t trade this for anything. I also know when I mess
      up and repent, God is so forgiving.
      I have nothing to lose by following the Bible, and believing
      God’s word, I have so much to look forward to, I know I
      want eternal life.

    • Anita

      As a Christian woman when I go to church, I go to worship
      God, to praise and thank Him. I also ask God to have
      mercy on me, and forgive me for all my sins.
      I know I am a sinner, and need his forgiveness, God also
      asks us to forgive other’s when they hurt us.
      I live a life of chasity by choice as a divorced woman,
      sadly I wasn’t mature enough when I was younger to see
      my behavior was immoral. That’s why I need Jesus
      as my Savior.
      I see myself as a woman God created, and he gave me
      conscience to know right from wrong. Also, I know I am not a sexual animal, I do see myself as a woman, that
      God gave commandments to, and I do my best to follow
      them, however I am a sinner, again that’s why I need
      Jesus. God is so wonderful!!

      • Paula

        Anita, when I mentioned the sexual animal line, I knew it would irk some people. What I meant by that is that it is a part of us as human beings, that is not to say that we can’t make choices, and a chaste or celibate life is one of those choices, and one which I admire people for making if it is the correct choice for them. (I mentioned it in reference to being one of the conditions of being a leader in some churches, eg Catholicism.) I have done some reading about this, and it is not an uncommon choice for (especially women) those who have been cheated on in their primary relationships. I can see it being a choice I may make in the future – if you’d asked me that three years ago, I would have been horrified, and laughed at the very suggestion, as it was an incredibly important part of my relationship, and it helped me feel connected and loved. It was never used as a tool for me, I was never one of those women who withheld it to get what I wanted, or engaged in it to get what I wanted. I have only ever been with this man, and it was a beautiful thing. I’m glad you find peace and contentment in your commitment to your God 🙂

        • Anita

          Thank You!
          My faith is important to me.
          As far as leaders doing very serious wrongs, that’s
          something that’s sad. It also happens in schools, and
          colleges. However a few bad apples are everywhere
          in all walks of life.
          Have a great weekend!

    • Anita

      I need to clarify the sentence of when I was young, I did
      know sex outside of marriage was immoral, however
      being young and rebellious I chose to follow my own
      set of rules instead of God’s rules. I did repent of that after
      I got married, and asked for forgiveness. Sadly I didn’t get
      serious about my faith until I was in my younger 30’s,
      However, I know God is so forgiving, because I repented
      and changed.
      So when I go to church I go for myself, I don’t need to
      judge the world for their actions, I go because I need
      forgiveness of mine. So if and when I do judge others
      I know that is a sin and again I have to ask for forgiveness.
      So my Christian journey is my life. I find happiness,
      joy, love and peace in the Lord!

    • Anita

      Last but not least, I choose to be a Christian woman,
      because I value myself enough to know in Christ, I
      do not have to fear the world, because the Bible says
      John 16 verse 33 “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have
      tribulation, but take courage I have overcome the world.
      So as a Christian woman, I do not have to fear, because
      I know who I am in Christ. I wouldn’t give this up for
      anything the world, or what the world has to offer.
      My God is a awesome God! I Love God so much!
      This makes me happy! Nothing Sad about following
      My Lord and Savior! He’s wonderful!

    • rachel

      I know this is off topic but I do have a question about the “fog”.
      When in the “fog” does the CS say things that he doesn’t mean? Or doesn’t know that he is saying? In June my H said to me that “I think we’ve come to the end of our road”, “I want to fall in love with someone else”.Now he is saying he didn’t mean those things.And is sorry for saying that. In Nov. when the bomb dropped he said “I’m in love with her, not you”, she is my soul mate,” we are leaving our family’s to be together”, “we didn’t skip a beat in 30 years”. But 4 hrs after he said he didn’t mean any of that that me and the boys are his family. In Dec. he said ” If I were a betting man I would bet that her and I will be together in the future”. I just don’t understand how anyone can say such hurtful words. This is what I have a hard time getting past. Especially the last one. All hurtful words that were said and float in my head daily now he is taking back. Was that the “fog” talking? Or is he just realizing what he will be losing? Honest opinions and feedback would be so helpful.

      • Carol

        Rachel, it sounds like he was in fantasy land, aka fog. Just the things he said – that hecwoyld bet they would be together, that they hadn’t skipped a beat in 30 years – sounds like romantic fantasy. If you think about those statements as if you heard them from a friend instead of your husband, you would probably encourage that friend to think more realistically about things. Because it’s your H who said them, it must be nearly impossible to think objectively. I hoe you can be patient and wait out the fog. Thinking of you!!

      • Lynsey

        Rachel, I.m in the same place as you with my CS., getting mixed messages does leave you feeling like you’re on a roller coaster. One thing I have on my side is patience. It’s amazing the inner strength you can find when you want to save your marriage, despite the conflicting comments from your spouse when in the fog. My advice is to be patient, and follow Doug & Linda’s advice in their posts. It works! The best thing I learned is to remain calm. Although he hasn’t totally let go of his AP yet, my CS is beginning to talk about her and why he got so attached to her. I’m learning so much about my husband, our marriage, and the problems that led to the affair. He is only just beginning to see what the affair did to our marriage. (Although, if necessary, when the time is right, there will be an ultimatum) I hope you and you spouse are able to talk calmly. You may not always hear what you want to hear. Yes there will be setbacks, but learn from these conversations, process it in your mind, and find ways to guide your spouse to genuinely do/say the right thing. But never compromise on your needs. It won’t always work, but I’m seeing progress. My best to you.

    • SamIam

      fog fog fog! he is dealing with so much right now that he can’t think straight (as during the affair when he couldn’t think straight either) My H says the words said through the fog haunt him and hurt him as he says “how could I say those things to my wife and not know what I was saying”
      I am luckier than most as my H immediately wanted to return to our marriage~ even then we had to go through up & down emotions (the roller coaster ride) and are still navigating our way. My H was/is dealing with emotions that have been suppressed since childhood~ it is not pretty.

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