Just Discover Your Spouse's Affair?
Discover the most important rules and strategies for successfully navigating through the initial aftermath of the pain, chaos and confusion that infidelity can create.

When infidelity strikes, the shock of the discovery tears your reality to shreds. Once this destruction happens, you’re overcome with shock, anger, blame, insecurity, confusion, and fear. You’re experiencing a full-blown crisis. You need to be able to manage the crisis.
We've created a guide for the betrayed spouse whose partner has had an affair and who is in those first early days or weeks after discovering it. These first few days and weeks after D-day can be unbearable.
FACT: Infidelity can be the cruelest trauma you will ever face. Perhaps you think there is no way you will ever feel better.
It is vital right now that you know how to get a handle on things with the help of thorough knowledge of the healing process.
If you skip this part, the resulting lack of knowledge about what needs to be done at this point will only serve to prolong the pain and extend the damage for much longer than necessary.
So our goal here will be to help you learn how to reduce your stress and suffering that result from this destruction as well as ways to limit the impact this will have on you for the long run.
Sound fair?
If you're experience is anything like mine was, you may be in a state of shock right now
I barely was able to get out of bed. I didn’t sleep for three days. I wasn’t able to eat much for several days.
But what I was able to do was make it to our computer and I searched and searched for anything I could find on infidelity to help me survive.
But most of the information I discovered was psychological stuff and advice based solely on theory. I wanted…no, I needed to find something that told the story of a person who actually went through this crisis and survived it.
I wanted to find something by someone who was living this hell and understood what I was going through!

Introducing...Crisis Management: Surviving the First 30 Days after D-day

A common sense approach to surviving the initial tidal wave that betrayal causes.
We've always liked to not only share what has worked for us, but also what didn’t. Sometimes we learn the most from our mistakes and boy did we make a bunch!
Because you’re going to make mistakes as well, we think it’s important that you don’t make any major decisions in the first few months after D-day. Don’t make life-altering decisions while you’re in the heat of the moment and while your emotions are like a roller coaster.
Be sure to give yourself a little distance and time from the initial pain before you make any decisions.
Give your marriage a chance.
Here’s a sampling of what’s covered in
Crisis Management: Surviving the First 30 Days after D-day...
- Linda shares her own experiences just after D-day
- Learn an overview of what the healing journey looks like
- Your possible timeline for healing
- What you can and can't expect from the unfaithful
- How to get to the truth
- The myriad of emotions and pain that the betrayed spouse can expect in the coming days and weeks
- Our unique 6-step crisis management plan
- And much more...
You ARE Going the Survive This!
Though you might not think so right now, you can and will survive this and there will come a day when this no longer hurts.
The reason why I’m healed quite frankly is because both Doug and I are stronger than the evil that is infidelity which tried to destroy our love and marriage; something that mattered a great deal to me – to us.
We conquered it. And I’m betting that you can too.
Here’s what you can expect with Crisis Management: Surviving the First 30 Days after D-day:
Obviously, we can't just wave a magic wand and say that if you read or listen to this program that you will instantly and definitely be able to know what the heck is going on and make the pain go away Nope, you have to put in a great deal of effort. It's gonna suck!
That said, if you take the knowledge that you gain from this program and apply it with maximum effort, use your head a little, then you can expect to experience substantial positive progress managing this whole mess.
Here's what to expect...
- The 6-step plan will give you a solid framework for managing the betrayal crisis
- You will better understand what you can expect to experience during this process - both good and bad.
- You will learn proven strategies for getting the truth out of the unfaithful
- You will find meaning in the affair
- You will be able to determine what you're up against and the extent of the damage that the affair has caused
- You will understand the various forms of deception the cheater will throw at you
- And much more...
“I like your strategy approach which gives a checklist of principles to take care of and pitfalls you might not think about straight away, and warnings for the most important mistakes."
“I am so grateful I got this program. Only if you have been there can you really understand.”
- Kathy
Why wait another day to start
controlling this affair crisis?
OK, by now you’re probably wondering how much this is going to cost…and that’s understandable.
Normally, most experts out there would easily charge in the neighborhood of $47 for this program. But today, we want to give this gift to your marriage for a special, no-brainer price. You’re getting access to Crisis Management: Surviving the First 30 Days after D-day for just $19.95.
Yes, just $19.95
Here’s exactly what you’re getting with
Crisis Management: Surviving the First 30 Days after D-day

Satisfaction Guarantee
We understand that it’s not easy sometimes to make an investment, even one that only costs as much as a cheap meal out. So, you can try Crisis Management: Surviving the First 30 Days after D-day absolutely risk free.
If for any reason you are not satisfied with this program, just shoot us an email and we will refund every penny of your $19.95 purchase. No time limits. No questions asked. Pretty simple!

Please feel free to contact us by email at: support @ emotionalaffair.org if you have any questions about the program.
We look forward to sharing Crisis Management: Surviving the First 30 Days after D-day with you and eventually hearing your survival success story!
Best wishes!
Linda & Doug
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** You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view materials in PDF format, and a video and/or audio program (such as Windows Media Player) to listen to recordings.
Please also note that every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. As with any book or program, there is no certain guarantee that you will achieve specific results.