Every now and then we like to take the pulse of the readers by conducting a reader survey. In fact, it’s been over a year since we’ve taken any surveys and a year and-a-half since we’ve done this comprehensive survey.
So…We’d appreciate it very much if you could help us out and take this 38-question survey.
We know, that seems like a lot of questions, but the vast majority require just one-click to answer.
Since your needs are constantly evolving – as well as readers coming and going to Emotional Affair Journey – these surveys are always very important as they help us to determine what is most important to you guys so that we can address your issues in future posts or with other resources.
The survey is below for you to complete or you can click here and go to a separate page to complete it.
Remember that there are 38 questions in all, so you will have to use the slider thingy on the right side of the box to scroll down to answer all the questions.
We will report back to you the results in a week or so, or as soon as we get a substantial amount of responses.
Stay tuned because there are always some interesting findings and/or tidbits that come out of these things.
Thank you so much. We really appreciate your time!
Linda & Doug