Hi there,

After Linda discovered my emotional affair with Tanya, she became a research fanatic.  She scoured the Internet for hours at a time trying to find anything that would help our situation and offer advice on how to heal the pain that she was feeling.  I reluctantly read several of them, but most of them pretty much said the same thing.  These were typically articles or books written by psychological and marriage experts.  However, there was a resource Linda found that really did offer extremely valuable information and advice, and it’s safe to say that this resource was an integral part in helping us to find our lost loving feelings for each other. For this reason we highly recommend “Save My Marriage Today” by Amy Waterman.

When Linda first asked me to review the information I was skeptical, but I thought I’d make Linda happy and give it a try. By the time I had finished, I was really impressed. I realized for the first time, that this book would be absolutely essential for couples like us who are serious about solving their marital difficulties, and I don’t just mean young couples either. This book applies to couples young and old. No matter what your marriage situation, if you are male or female, or how many years you have been married, there are tips and tools that can assist every couple with developing sound communication and conflict resolution techniques.

You can check it out at Save My Marriage Today.

Everybody knows someone who is in a difficult or failing marriage, and since you are reading this blog, there’s a good chance that it may even be you…..

See also  The Emotional Affair Made Me Feel Worthless

Nobody said marriage was ever going to be easy, and if they did, they were lying. It’s perfectly normal in a marriage to have disagreements and times when things involve a little more effort than they used to. In an ideal world we would sit and talk about these changes and differences in a calm and rational manner, and establish an outcome and move on. Unfortunately things don’t always work like that. Its all too easy to get caught up in the moment and let things deteriorate to the point where you are both wondering why you are still in it.

Amy has developed a course that encourages couples to break the ice and develop ways to interact and strengthen their failing relationship. She deals with topics such as:

  • Tips on how to rescue your marriage
  • How to reintroduce passion
  • How to repair your marriage after an affair
  • Self assessment
  • Gestures that are more important than words
  • And much, much more….

I was  impressed with the content, not only with the theory but the accompanying exercises at the end of many chapters that helped cement the concepts and helped us apply it to our marriage.  In addition to this she has included a free email consultation so that customers can discuss any specific problems or further clarification that the course doesn’t already cover.

Obviously, the ebooks and course offered much advice and numerous guidelines to follow, but the real key is putting the information to work.  It will be difficult and it won’t happen overnight, but change will occur and good things will happen if you apply the tactics in the program.  We can honestly say that we applied the information and it has worked for us.

See also  Discussion – Respecting Your Spouse After an Affair

But don’t take our word for it, see for yourself! Take a look at: Save My Marriage Today.

We promise you won’t be disappointed, and best of all, it could turn your life around. For a fraction of the cost of a counselor, you can save your marriage!

All the best,

Doug & Linda

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