You may have noticed on Friday that we quietly stuck our new  Surviving an Affair forum page onto the site.  It wasn’t completely configured at that point, so we never mentioned it.  Now (we think and hope) it is up and working fine.  We are obviously not Forum technical experts, so there may be some bugs in it, so please make us aware of any issues you might see while in the Forum. Also, please feel free to make suggestions for additional forum categories or anything else that you may feel might be beneficial to everyone. It’s a simple forum, but it should do the trick. If anyone would like to volunteer as a moderator at some point, that would also be wonderful.

We added the forum because we felt that it might be an easier way for you all to communicate with each other than through the comment function.  However, please continue to make comments to any of our posts, as they provide excellent means of feedback for us.

Though probably unnecessary to mention, please respect each other’s opinions and try to be positive with each other.  We all can use some help and inspiration while trying to recover from an affair, but of course there is always room for some spirited debate, but please just keep it civil.  Besides, we don’t want to have to ban anyone.

We have a very supportive and growing “community” here and we hope that it will continue to grow in numbers and experiences.  You can add some personal information to your profile if you wish, which will help us to get to know each other even more.  The Surviving an Affair Forum might be a good platform through which that can happen!

See also  A Marital Affair Can Get Real Serious Real Fast

We hope you all will join in!

Doug & Linda

    7 replies to "New Surviving an Affair Forum!"

    • Starting Over

      Wow, how great! If you need help moderating, I can do it. I am usually around a computer of somekind! I am so happy you have done this. There are so many days I need feedback and it doesn’t apply. This will fill holes for a lot of people. Like me…I am headed over to check it out!

      • admin

        Starting Over, That’s good to hear. Since it’s brand new, there’s nothing there, so maybe you can get the ball rolling.

    • michael

      I think we all can get the ball rolling.. We all have something to say.. And for some it may be an easier way to get there feet in the water..

    • Broken

      doug… I wanted to respond to ninny, but I can’t remember where her last post to me was, can you please help me out, we were discussing the EA and she asked some questions I wanted to answer, but now i can’t remember where it was! sorry thanks for your help

    • Brian

      Hello my name is Brian, I have been married almost 15 years to my wife that says i would not change and show her the love she needed and she has been involved with someone for the past year she met at work and she seems like she will not end it as of right now we are separated because i cannot tolerate this anymore she claims that their has been no sex but i have a hard time believing this but whats weird is that she still does show affection for me through all of this and wants to get counseling and so on but still does not want to end contact with the op thats 10 years older than her and is married and has no desire to leave his wife but another issue I have is that my mother lives with me and is aware of all this and is very upset with my wife and now my mother is contributing financially in helping with my 3 boys and bills i love my wife dearly but i don’t deserve this and I feel like I need to move on and let her learn the hard way and realize what she is doing living in this fantasy world I could go on and on but i will keep it short i would like some advice and if someone has more questions please ask thanks

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